Jessica Faye Ericzon - Online Memorial Website

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Jessica Ericzon
Born in New York
17 years
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Stephanie Daniels Thinking of You July 1, 2008
Lisa and often are in my prayers and thoughts.  Now that it is the time for Jessica's graduation you come to mind even more.  I know she is up there helping you through all of this.  I am so glad you have all of this support!  I know that you don't have the answers that you need and I hope some day you find those answers and can get some sort of peace.  You both deserve that much at least for all you have had to go through.  Take good care of each other...I am glad you have each other to lean on!
Kandie Thinking of you June 29, 2008


I am so glad that I finally got to meet you at graduation.  I hope things get better for you & your Family. Take care

Teri Doug's wife June 26, 2008

I love two so much!! Lisa, I guess we are strong at moments, but then we do have our moments. Jessie please take of my husband and keep all of us safe and healthy. We know when it is our time we will come see you guys again. I know you guys are preparing a beautiful place for us! Sometimes I wish it would be sooner, because I miss my best friend so much.

 For those of you that don't know who I am, I am Tim's brother's wife, he passed away on May 31st. And I miss them both so much!! I am jealous of them, to have a life now without pain and sorrow, poverty, and broken hearts. But I think, everytime we have a thunderstorm, it is them telling us, that they weren't ready and are very mad that they had to leave all of us that love them so dearly. But God loves them and us more than we will ever know.

 I love you Jessie, Doug and the rest of my friends and family that has passed. And also the ones that are still here.

 God Bless us all!!

Gloria Tims Sister June 26, 2008

Tim and Lisa, Hi you two beautiful people. I don't know when all the sadness and pain is going to end for our families. First Jesse and then Doug. I don't know how you bearit all. I know that my faith in God has helped get me through all of this, and knowing that my family and friends are always here for me. Tomorrow is a Special Day and it will be a sad day too. Just know that I will be there to help you through it. Graduation is suppose to be one of the happiest times in a teenagers life. I know you are very proud of Jesse and all of her accomplishments, and that you can look back on them. Jesse was a beautiful young lady and her beauty shined through on all of those she knew. I only wish I could have known her better.

May God Bless You and May Jesse's shining star help guide you and give you strength to get through the next couple days.

The pain of losing a child is so hard to bear. I know from my own pain of losing my son, David.

My heart goes out to You Both.

Connie w.o.f. June 9, 2008
Lisa, wish I had of known you were going to  Women of Faith, this was my first time attending the conference also, Amazing !!! I thought about you a several times while I was there. Wish we could have seen each other. So glad you were there though.
Jacinta With Sympathy on your brothers passing! June 5, 2008

Tim and Lisa,

      Me and Jerry are sending our deepest sympathy on your brother Doug, Tim. I just heard about it a few days ago or I would have been in touch before now. He was also very young to leave this earth. May God be with you both.

                                         Sincerely, Cinta and Jerry

Jamie Marie Regrets June 2, 2008
Jamie Marie Regrets June 2, 2008

Family of Jessie,


Connie Boyle In my thoughts & prayers May 28, 2008


I continue to pray for You, your family, Tim, Emilia, and the la gurls daily.  Myself & the rest of the family visit Jessie often. I hope you dont mind we left the rock there for her. May God bless you and take care of you all .  

Stephanie Daniels In My Prayers May 23, 2008
Lisa & Tim,
You are in my prayers every night.  I want you to both find some peace and understanding in your time of sorrow.  Jessie was so loved!  This is a great website and all of the love and support from everyone is amazing!  I am so glad that you have a great support group.  Jessie has touched so many lives.  She has a lot of people who love her and are willing to help you get through this sad time.  Anyone who knew and loved her are so very lucky!
Kandie Papin Thinking of yous May 15, 2008

Lisa,Tim,Matt & Emila


                 I  just wanted you all to know that you are in my thoughts everyday. You are all strong people. Emila you are such a smart BEAUTIFUL young lady that is going to go far in life with Jessie right beside you all the way, Keep your head up sweetie. Take care.

Cinta Thinking of you always! May 14, 2008

Lisa and Tim,

     You guys hang in there. Lisa, I read what you said about everyone thinking you are strong but that you don't feel that way. You are feeling exactly the way you should be feeling. You guys have been through so much. I think that you are giving Jessie's friends what they need at this time of sorrow. They see that you are surviving and young people need that motive and push to survive themselves. See you Saturday.  love you guys   Cinta

Amber Always in my prayers May 10, 2008

Lisa & Tim 

I think of you guys everyday, wishing there was something I could do to help take away the pain.  When I see you at the softball games or the grand march for the prom, I just want to hug you and and cry.  I don't know how you do it, you are a very strong person.  I wish we could do more stuff together to keep you busy, to help you through this terrible time.  So many times I don't know what to say, my heart just aches for you.   If there is anything I could do please just let me know.  You're both in my thoughts and prayers everyday I love you both.  I think of you everyday Jessie we miss you and love you.  WE LOVE YOU !!!! 

yvonne Lisa-n-Tim April 16, 2008


 I go to this site every day. My heart breaks for you and your family.

 You two can not blame yourself for what happened to Jessica.

You have to beleive that this was Gods plan,WHY?? you probably never will  have an answer to that but you do have to know that you are  so very blessed with Jess for the very few short years that you had her.

She enjoyed life so much more in her short time here then most people do in their whole life.

She was an inspiration to everyone that knew her, she didn't have an enemy,and had great expectations for herself

She inspired the La Gurls, so much that they are clinging to her now and will never let her out of their hearts,they turn to her yet for guidence

You two can hold your heads high and be proud,she was a wonderful young lady

As for the shots Lisa you were doing what you thought was right,

so many of the girls were getting the shots,they were encouraged to get them also

I spoke to the Dr about the side effects after Jess,s death and have decided not to finish the series of injections

Even though 1000's of girls have had strokes and blood clots or died,millions have been injected without side effects. He explained that with any medications there is side effects but not everyone reacts to them.

So maybe there is some good.But being that this happened so close to home, the rest of us with younger girls are aware that these shots can have on our girls, so again Jess, even as tragic as it is, has helped again

So Lisa and Tim please don'y blame yourselves,just be very proud of your wonderful, beautiful daughter

We love you guys


Grandma Dennie Shine on April 7, 2008
Hi Miss Jess,  Yesterday was a very bad day for me.  I don't know why.  I just couldn't stop crying.  It started in Sunday school class when I asked for some help to understand why it hurt so very much more when you left us than when Jonny left. We thought it was because you were in the start of your life with so much ahead of you.  So many plans.  I am not sure that was it, but it sounded good. Today was a dreary day with very little if any sun shine. I thought if I got on and saw your pictures I would feel better.  Again I am crying.  I guess it is because the reality that you are no longer somewhere tangable to see and speak to has set in. I kept seeing this can flying around as I am looking and then I see what the can is and I laugh. Thanks who ever put the can in.  It made my day.  Tonight I am going to sit down and write to you best friend, Amelia.  I have been going to do it for a few weeks now but I don't know where to begin. Your mom tells me doors are opening up for Amelia.  She has you to encourage her on what to do and she has the other girls to help her decide what to do and a loving family to councel her.  You could have not picked more SUPER FRIENDS.  Miss you so very much.  Shine on Miss Jess.
David Johnson In my prayers April 5, 2008

Lisa & Tim,


Let me start by saying how sorry and sad I am for your loss. There hasn't been one day gone by that I haven't thought about you both. Wondering how you both are coping! Just wanted to let you both know I think you are awesome,for being so strong. It will get easier as the days go by. Good friends and family,will help you both get through this! If either one of you ever need anything,even if it is just someone to talk to. Please call. Keep your chins up,and remember you have alot of people praying for you both.

                                                             Your friend


Jacinta Wood In our prayers April 2, 2008

As days go by Jessie we are all still thinking of you everyday and silently praying for your Mom, Tim, Matthew, your Dad, Murray and Nancy, Denise and the rest of your family. I hope we all get answers. If not I guess we just need to give it up to the Lord. Our family will always be here for you Lisa!

Great Uncle Steve& Family Shine On March 29, 2008
You are a very special person that has touched so many lives.We want you to know that we think about your beautiful smiling face(always smiing) everyday and cry at the thought of not seeing you at holidays and summer at camp.It will never be the same,but the memory will always live on...Happy 18th birthday and say hi to Jonny,,,All our love to Tim,and Lisa.....Uncle Steve,Laurie and Maddie
Danielle Shimel Happy Birthday March 28, 2008
I guess this is your first belated birthday wish.  I didn't get a chance to write to you yesterday on your birthday, but I want you to know that I was thinking of you.  I even had a chance to have a piece of cake and some ice cream yesterday...Alyssa brought some over to the gym for me.  We miss you so much Jessie.  It still seems unbelievable to me that you are not here and I know that your friends miss you so deeply.  The teachers at school miss you too.  You were such a bright light in all of our lives.  I think of you so often Jess...especially when the girls are in the gym working on pitching.  Keep a watchful eye out for us here and Happy 18th Birthday Jessie.  WE LOVE YOU!! 
Amber Black Happy Birthday March 27, 2008

Us girls had lunch today with your mother in honor of your birthday.  We miss you and love you.  I think of you guys everyday, God Bless you Lisa and Tim.  If you ever need anything please just call.  My heart aches for all of you.  I love you Lisa & Tim

With deepest sympathy. Love Rob, Amber, Cody & Lacey 

Yvonne Birthday March 25, 2008

Lisa & Tim,

 I know that Thursday will be an especially hard day for you, but know that you will both be in the hearts and prayers of all that know you, and love you

While we will be celebrating Hillarys B-day we will also be remembering Jessica.

 My heart breaks for you both

Just want you both to  know , you are the best ,Jessica was a very lucky girl to have you has parents

We love you guys Take Care and God be with you

Connie Lisa & Tim March 18, 2008

Lisa & Tim, I know you have probably heard this a million and one times but if there is anything that I can do for you please dont hesitate to call me or stop by the house.  You are in my thoughts and prayers.

Sarah Wilson With Love March 5, 2008

Lisa and Tim,


You are in my thoughts and prayers each and every day.  I cannot express how deeply sad I am.  I am so greatful to call Jessie one of my best friends; she is an amazing person.


Don't worry... Emilia, Elaina, and I will be over often-to talk, watch movies, and eat spaghetti o's.  If you need anything at all, please do not hesitate to ask.  I love you Tim and Lisa!!!


With Love,


Sherry Wilson forever in my heart March 5, 2008

To:  Lisa and Tim

Words will never be enough to tell you how deeply sad I am inside.  You have been in my thoughts everyday and I think of you often.  You know how much I loved Jessie and she will forever live in my heart.  Please know that if you need anything I am always here for you.  I will talk with you soon.  Remember all of the happy times and as I said at her is family, friends and faith that will see us through.  Love you!!  Sherry

jay and Lisa Storey In our hearts March 5, 2008

There is not a day that goes by that we don't think you. You can call us if there is anything you need................


Jay and Lisa

family of Jacob Boyle always & forever in our hearts February 27, 2008

We are deeply saddened by Jessie's passing ...But  happy and very fortunate to of had such a smart, beautiful, young women be part of our lives. Lisa, you and your family are in our thoughts and prayers. 


                                                     with deepest sympathy,

                                             Tony, Connie, Jacob, Hillary, & Tricia 

Papin Family Thinking of you February 27, 2008
You are in our thoughts. With Deepest Sympathy.
Emilia I love you February 26, 2008
I love you Tim, and Mama Lisa!
Family of Caleb Ramsey Thinking of You February 25, 2008

We are saddened by the untimely death of your beautiful, young daughter.  Our son, Caleb,  had the pleasure of knowing her.  Please know you are in our thoughts and prayers.  With deepest sympathy.

Sincerely, Nanette, Greg, Caleb, Zach, and Hannah Ramsey

Chelsey and Heather not forgetable February 25, 2008

Jessica Faye Ericzon

There are so many things to be said about her.she was and always will be remebered as an althletic,fun,exciting smart,intelligent,beautiful,glowing girl....she will be missed by everyone that knew her.she touched alot of hearts and i know she touched mine and i will always have a place for her no matter what comes my way in life!!!

I will always love and remeber you

~chelsey smith and Heather Crawley~

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