Jessica Faye Ericzon - Online Memorial Website

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Jessica Ericzon
Född i New York
17 years
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Grandma Dennie
230 hits in just a few days.  WOW!!!!  I would like some of those people to tell us who they are and leave a message.

I hope I can put a flower in with this message.  I am not very good at doing things like that.  It is an iris and is called Jessie's Song.  I entered it into our iris show and won 2nd place with it.  I will give your mom a rhizome when she comes to visit.  She can put it in your Memorial Garden. 
I had so much fun visiting with your mom and Tim.  I did a lot of reading and a once in a life time activity, A GAME OF GOLF.  Your mom and I did a lot of laughing.  While loading up the big rock you see in her picture,  we almost dropped it because I told her that the tail gate on Tim's new (old) truck we were about to put the rock on, would probably fall off with all the weight.
We spent days getting the stones just right at the front steps.  Camp has had many changes in the years we have been going.  We have lost several loved ones but the memories will always be there of the fun we had at camp.  You and Jon are missed the most because you are everywhere.  Jon's handy work and you and your friends having such a good time.
I was sorry I couldn't be there when the interview for the documentary took place.  I know Lisa and Tim will be a big part of this documentary that will be out for all to see in several months.  We are all hoping that it will be the end to Gardasil and the deaths it is causing.
Shine on Miss Jess

 Hi Jess. July 24,2011 and 30,037 visits.  Yesterday the One More Girl documentary production crew came to the house all the way from Honalulu, Hawaii They have been traveling the country for the last month interviewing families that have been affected by Gardasil in one way or another.  Out of 60 to 70 applicants we were one of the lucky ones to have been chosen.  Ryan and David were so easy going I felt like they were family and Tim and myself felt very comfortable with telling them your story.  I know they will put together a great documentary to help tell the world of the Gardasil  that Kills.  I miss you so and some day the world will know how hard we have all worked to get the word spreadl Love you.  MOM 
 well Jess the One More Girl production crew will arrive here today. we are excited and look forward to meeting them. it won't be easy telling our story and opening up those unhealed wounds again but we pray that this documentary will really get the word out about gardasil. wish us luck i know you'll be standing right there with us. we love you and miss you everyday. shine on!
 Good Morning Jess, it's July 9, 2011- 28,806 visits to your website.  Went to camp over the 4th and every time I go it just depresses me. Everywhere I look I miss you more, it' s to quiet with you not there...I'm playing in Wayne Winter's Memorial golf tournament today.  That reminds me I actually got Mom on the golf course while she was visiting and she had a great time, me to.  Love and miss you.  MOM
Emilia Mary
Jessie you welcome a new angel in heaven today. I asked you to be with Tony's grandfather and sure enough you were. After being on life support for three days he a woke and had a great day talking and being with his family. He was able to see everyone. Although God had to take him just like you, I know he is in good hands. We love and miss you both. Thank you Jessie
 your mom and gramma denny workin on front steps, we are headed for camp on the 4th jess,see you there
 miss you soooooo much
tim hall
 hi jess, well today is memorial day. the day we pay respect to our lost loved ones and our military past and present. the list is long but forever on my weighted mind you stand. wondering why still. i just don't understand how in this day and age knowone can tell us what killed you. should we still be asking this question 3 years later? i am sorry but i believe ,YES, is the answer. we just can't give up wondering. we just can't give up the fight fro the children. 
tim hall
miss you both 

Today is mothers day and I would like to pay tribute to your mom, my daughter.  I  ask myself  over and over where does she get the strength to pick up the pieces and continue to go on after loosing such a big part of her life for 17 years.  Jessie was life itself.  Such a joy to be around, ask anyone who knew her and even some that didn't know her but know your mom.  Your mom is a strong and courageous woman who is still fighting to remove the dreaded Gardasil  from the market and to save lives of young women,  girls and now boys.  Over 100 have died and more than 23,000 have had adverse reactions many which are life threatening and the toll continues to rise.  Today it's Mothers Day and to you Lisa,  I say fight on.  You and all those that are continuing to spread the word and there are 1000's that are joining the cause with more and more each day.  You will prevail in the end.
I  know Miss Jess is looking down on you each and every day giving you encouragement along with the others that have lost their lives.
Blessings and SHINE ON   

Emilia Mary
Friday evening a new angel joined you in heaven. He died a hero. Jessie please welcome him and watch over his family and little childern he leaves behind. Watch over all the other soldiers in Afgan fighting for our country. God bless them. Love you Jessie. RIP Terry Varnadore
Emilia Mary
Happy Easter Jessie. I MISS you!
another early pic
look at this one
bestest bud
Emilia Mary
I had an awesome time in North Carolina with your mother, Aunt Laurie, Gramma Dennie, Stan, Maddie and her friend Courtney. So glad I went! Thought of you often, Maddie and Courtney reminded me of us. Miss you soo much!!!!!!!!!!!!!
tim hall
 i told jessie about the rock climbing wall at Black River Adventurers and the L.A. Girls went and tried it out
tim hall
 got ya jess lol
tim hall
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